These rules also apply to Standup Paddleboards and Canoes.
Life Jackets
Each child under the age of 6 must wear a Coast Guard-approved personal flotation device (PFD), while the kayak is moving.
Each person riding in the kayak must have an approved PFD available inside the kayak.
- IF you choose to use an Inflatable Life Jacket (Type V PFD) it must remain on the entire time you’re in the kayak because it is considered a Class V until inflated. Once inflated they are considered Class II or III depending on the model.
- You are not required to wear a Class II or III if it is on the kayak but it is recommended.
Sounding Device
A sound-making device is required while you are kayaking
Attach the whistle to your PFD and it will always be in arms reach!
When kayaking between sunset and sunrise, a white light is required. The kayaker is to display the light if another vessel approaches, to avoid a possible collision.
Registration is a requirement for all kayaks using a gas or electric motor but isn’t required if you are paddling or pedaling.